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Beauty in the Blah

Chris and I have been struggling with the gloomy weather and its affects on our psyche for the last month. The fog gave us convenient justification to hibernate instead of explore, to make excuses instead of plans, and I began to become as moody as the weather. After noticing where all this negative energy was coming from, I realized how detrimental our thoughts can be if we let them run away from us,

If you want to be happy. sometimes you just have to find beauty in the blah. After thirty days of fog, we we're certainly ready to toss out our dreams of fun in the sun and re-imagine our ideal summer weekend.

Like finding new ways to "hang ten" when there aren't any waves.

Land's End Coastline

Or finding beauty by viewing things in a unique way. It can be as simple as resigning yourself from a previous way of thinking. Taking a deep breath. Let yourself become excited about new possibilities when what you expected doesn't pan out.

Land's End Labyrinth

We have the choice to enter the path and participate in this life, to experience all versions of beauty on the journey, or, we can choose not enter and view the world through "wish I hads" and "if onlys", constantly finding excuses for not living or allowing ourselves to be happy. This journey can only begin when you bravely take the first step. Embrace the curve balls and keep your expectations flexible. The easier they can be adjusted, the easier you can find the positive in any situation.

I choose to follow the path, with all the blah, beauty, and bizarre I may find along the way.


I'm Lacey Bannister, and I work as a video game animator, fashion designer, and San Francisco photographer. I share my passion for California lifestyle and design aesthetic, as well as my adventures in life. Stray Authentic is here to inspire the adventurous, curious, independently creative explorer in all of us. Thank you for joining this pursuit and here's to a lifey life!

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