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Exploring Mile Rock Beach

Mile Rock Beach, San Francisco

I haven't been posting many of our adventures lately because I've been focused on practicing a new art form which I am very excited and somewhat nervous about debuting soon! I hope the time I've diverted to learning this new art form helps me express and share my California Travel experiences in a richer, more immersive format. That said, I've missed my photography and writing and felt compelled to take a break so that I could share a glimpse of our current life at home,

After spending a few weekends down in Santa Cruz, chasing surf with a group of friends, which by the way, if you have not driven down Highway 1 from San Francisco to Santa Cruz, I highly recommend, Chris and I decided to stay close to home for the weekend, eating brunch at nearby Chomp N Swig, then heading down to the beach to enjoy the rare San Francisco Sun.

Sitting on the beach, I reminisced with Chris about years before when I lived in a tiny attic apartment down in Foster City. Single and barely out of college, I was just trying to make ends meet as I gained experience in my career. I missed the Florida sun and Gulf Cost water. I remember discovering a man made lake in the subdivision where I was living and feeling so lucky that I finally lived near water again! Now looking back on that time in my life, I am incredibly fortunate to live walking distance from this wild beach. Never in a million years did I think this would come true.

.I'm most grateful that I get to spend time here with my loving husband, Chris.

The waves at Mile Rock beach are so awe inspiring to watch. I always feel innately energized after gazing upon them during walks along this coastline. The sets will come in periodically with such thunderous force that your entire body shutters. It's a swift reminder of the over arching power and apathetic nature, of Nature herself.

Nature and the Universe are marvelous and mysterious things. apparently I just happen to have caught them both on a very good days.


I'm Lacey Bannister, and I work as a video game animator, fashion designer, and San Francisco photographer. I share my passion for California lifestyle and design aesthetic, as well as my adventures in life. Stray Authentic is here to inspire the adventurous, curious, independently creative explorer in all of us. Thank you for joining this pursuit and here's to a lifey life!

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