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Stray-Cation Roundup: The Energy of Land's End.

The weather this weekend seemed to change on a whim, one moment sunny and inviting, the next carrying a chilling embrace. In between Nature’s mood swings Chris and I we’re able to embark on multiple explorations through the headlands North and South of the Golden Gate Bridge.

I’ve found myself tempting the boundaries of San Francisco more and more lately. Sometimes it feels as if the only time I can muster genuine thought is when a brisk gust of wind is swirling around me. The hum and buzz of the City tends to hypnotically mute my ability to focus on the bigger picture and overtime, begins to shifts my attention towards trivial and stressful areas of thought.

But when I'm walking the coastline with fingers numb and eyes watering, any guise of importance to those thoughts is lifted away.

Saturday evening Chris came and met me along the path at Land’s End. As the Set into the Bay, we watched Humpback whales breach far off the coast, it felt as if Nature was telling me her gusts of wind we’re not enough to wipe my sedentary thoughts away that evening.

Her extra efforts we're graciously welcomed. Again I felt thankful that she had succeeded yet again.


Whale Watching Tours I'm currently eyeing:

**For only looking to hike during this time a year, please prepare and understand tick prevention! Let's stay safe and healthy during our adventures!


I'm Lacey Bannister, and I work as a video game animator, fashion designer, and San Francisco photographer. I share my passion for California lifestyle and design aesthetic, as well as my adventures in life. Stray Authentic is here to inspire the adventurous, curious, independently creative explorer in all of us. Thank you for joining this pursuit and here's to a lifey life!

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